does alcohol dehydrate you

When you sit down with someone, for instance, make it a rule to always have a jug of water or a pot of tea on the table. At work, share your goal of staying hydrated and encourage colleagues to take regular water breaks with does alcohol dehydrate you you. There is less certainty about whether drinking water can affect your appetite. Although studies have looked at this, they tend to be small and done over short periods of time. So we can’t say for sure that this is a helpful strategy for weight loss.

does alcohol dehydrate you

You Are Drinking on an Empty Stomach

If you notice a dry mouth or other signs of dehydration, stop drinking alcohol and prioritize hydration. Without replenishing electrolytes, the body won’t be able to utilize the water you consume, leaving you dehydrated despite drinking plenty of fluids. Excessive urination from drinking alcohol causes your body to lose electrolytes, which are important minerals involved in many bodily functions, including nervous system function (4). When you lose too much water without properly replacing it, you become dehydrated. Dehydration can cause mild symptoms like headache, dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue, or severe issues like damage to the brain, heart, kidneys, and even death (1). The pituitary gland decides to do this based on signals sent from detectors that read the volume of water in the body, as well as its salt level.

Other Tips for Staying Hydrated

Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

does alcohol dehydrate you

Tips to Prevent Alcohol Dehydration

does alcohol dehydrate you

This can be especially harmful to people at a greater risk of dehydration, such as people exercising in hot environments. Sugary drink consumption is also linked with several health issues, such as an increased risk of high blood sugar, heart disease, and more. Experts recommend keeping your daily intake of added sugars below 10% of your total daily calories. You can avoid dehydration by staying hydrated throughout the day. Your body has detectors that can sense both the saltiness of your water, and the volume of the water. If these detectors reckon that you are dehydrated, they send a signal to the posterior pituitary gland, which starts pumping out ADH.

  • Understanding these mechanisms can help you better manage and mitigate the dehydrating effects of alcohol consumption.
  • If you drink too much fluid to try to hydrate yourself, you could end up with swelling in the limbs (peripheral edema) and fluid buildup in the lungs (pulmonary edema).
  • In addition, alcohol negatively impacts neurotransmitter balance and mood regulation, which can lead to symptoms of unease and anxiety on the days after drinking alcohol.
  • It’s important to respond to these signs promptly, especially in environments where alcohol is consumed, to maintain optimal health and well-being.


After all, waking up on Christmas morning with screaming kids and a raging hangover is the opposite of holiday cheer. Alcohol can even get into the lungs and be released when you exhale. This is why breathalyzers are often used to check if someone’s driving while intoxicated. This test measures blood alcohol concentration (BAC), or the amount of alcohol in your blood.

does alcohol dehydrate you

Six mg/kg of caffeine equates to 409 mg of caffeine for a 150-pound person, which exceeds the safe upper limit of 400 mg per day. Eating too many processed meats could contribute to high salt intake, which is linked to poor hydration status. A recent study identified 15 food categories representing over 50% of total dietary sodium intake for American adults, with pizza being number one. For example, a burger and fries from a fast food restaurant can provide more than half of the Daily Value (DV) for sodium, which is set at less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day. How much water you need to drink is unique to your situation, depending on the amount of energy you use. Factors can include how much you exercise, how much you sweat and how much fruit and vegetables you eat.

does alcohol dehydrate you

Does alcohol cause dehydration?

  • So if you swap your sugary drinks for water, this can help you to lower your overall energy intake, which is important for weight loss.
  • Additionally, heavy drinking can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections.
  • This test measures blood alcohol concentration (BAC), or the amount of alcohol in your blood.

Luckily, it’s easy to prevent these symptoms with a few lifestyle changes. Alcohol suppresses the hormone vasopressin, which governs how much you urinate. When its processed by enzymes in the liver, alcohol is converted into a large amount of acetaldehyde.