Hope House

Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence believes that each client has value as a person, capable of self-determination and is therefore due respect and honesty. Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residences is a sober living house that offers structure, safety, and Hope House Boston accountability. We are a place of healing, hope and success that will allow you to live life without drugs or alcohol.

Hope House

Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence

Regardless of where they come from, how far they have fallen, or how long they have been sober. Everyone recovers at their own pace and needs various levels of support along the way. Our goal is to have multiple levels of homes to help at all stages of recovery to ease the transition from treatment to independently living in the community. Trying very hard to avoid temptation to go drink or do whatever I can find. Transitional housing is temporary housing for the working homeless population and is set up to transition their residents to permanent housing.

We offer peer support, encouragement, and a safe stable environment for people as they grow and learn how to thrive in our community! Each Hope House has a dedicated house manager whose responsibility is to ensure the well being of the house occupants. All with at least one year of sobriety, the house managers show a commitment to working a 12-step program in their daily lives, and demonstrate through their actions that they can lead by example. Typically having gone through one of the sober houses, house managers encourage house members to talk about what is going on with their lives and recovery, and to help house residents to be accountable to one another.

Hope House

Jesse endured the battles of early sobriety, alone in this now empty house. One day in a 12 step meeting he heard a fellow member who was fighting for their sobriety and had nowhere left to go. Jesse had vacant rooms so he offered his home to this individual under the condition they maintained their sobriety.

Over the next 3 years, he saw the difference these rules made in his house, and how they helpedthe men in early recovery to stay sober. In 2002, Callan opened a second branch of that houseand ran both residences as sober houses. He moved into the new house to guide and support thenew roommates and hired a house manager for the original residence. Over the next few years, Callan saw his passion for helping others in recovery grow into anetwork of 8 sober houses for men and women, where he continues to work and carry themessage of recovery. We Strive to build Steppingstones Recovery Homes to the point that we never have to turn someone away due to a lack of vacancy. We feel that all an individual should ever need to join a recovery home is the willingness to do so.

He went through extended primary treatment, a halfway house, sober house, and the apartment that started the network of sober houses that Callan runs today. He found that by sharing his story with newcomers that he was able to touch lives and help others, just as he had been helped when new to recovery. When you have a strong group of guys who strive for a common goal, sobriety, it is very beneficial.

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  1. He went through extended primary treatment, a halfway house, sober house, and the apartment that started the network of sober houses that Callan runs today.
  2. The basic rules of the house would center on accountability,sponsorship, meeting schedules, and house rules.
  3. It’s all about building relationships and connecting with each other.
  4. We feel that all an individual should ever need to join a recovery home is the willingness to do so.
  5. One day in a 12 step meeting he heard a fellow member who was fighting for their sobriety and had nowhere left to go.

Using this experience, Callan decided to organize a more structured living situation for himselfand his newly sober friends. The basic rules of the house would center on accountability,sponsorship, meeting schedules, and house rules. Callan also thought it better to include only men, having observed thatthe co-ed living environment is not always ideal for those in early recovery.

He didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the first of many people he would offer shelter and safe haven to. As time went on he forged his way through his own battles to maintain sobriety. He filled every one of his empty rooms and found support and purpose through service. One Alcoholic, one Addict helping another he found strength and hope in numbers. With the help of the 12 principles of recovery Jesse opened Steppingstones Recovery Homes in 2022 to give a chance to others who were willing to travel the road of recovery, and need some help along the way.

Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence offers a safe, structured environment (also known as sober living house or halfway house) for men  who are recovering from the disease of addiction. Stepping Stones of Atlanta provides a supportive, drug-free environment in a community setting. Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence is 12 step based and offers a sober living environment. The 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are, in our opinion, is the only proven method of establishing long-term sobriety for people who suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism.